Elham Parsa, Mahmod Khodadoost, Roshanak Mokaberinejad, Morteza Mojahedi, Leila Shirbeigy, Armin Zareiyan, Mahshid Chichiraghimi
Journal: Current Nutrition and Food Science
Year: 2020
Background: The stomach plays a vital role in the human body. Its clinical problems are very prevalent. Nowadays, new branches of science have emerged because of human individual differences .Many medical schools such as Iranian Traditional Medicine (ITM) established the basis for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment based on individual differences.
Objective: The purpose of this study is to summarize identification indices of Gastric Dystemperament to help in better diagnosis.
Methods: This was a qualitative review study. Definitions and symptoms of Stomach Dystemperament were derived from reliable sources of ITM from 900 AD to 1900 AD (Kamil-al-sinaa al tibbiya, Teb-e-Akbari, Exir Azam, Al-Qanun fi al tibb, Mansouri Fi-al-teb, Al-Havi, Zakhire Kharazmshahi, Hidayat al-Muta’allemin fi al-tibb, Ferdos al-Hekmat fi al-tib, Sharh Al Qurashi alQanun, Sharh-e asbab al-Alamat) and English and Persian indices.
Results: The most important factors and symptoms to be considered as gastric dystemperament include digestion, thirst, appetite, belching, bloating, gastric emptying time, burning stomach, reflux, gastric pain, the effect of food quality (coldness, heat, wet, dryness), mouth moisture and taste, tongue and mouth status, quality of body waste material (urine, stool), and palpation of the stomach area.
Conclusion: Iranian Traditional Medicine sources have mentioned the indicators of gastric dystemperament, which can be used for more effective diagnosis and treatment and even prevention of gastric diseases.
Mizaj, persian medicine, stomach, temperament, traditional medicine
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